Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Science in the News

I have recently read an article about a new type of cast that has been developed that is both waterproof and lightweight. Not only that, but this new cast provides more comfort than a standard cast and promotes healing faster. This hits home to me because, just recently my mother broke her finger from slipping in our house. It was a very stressful situation and all day we just kept hearing worse and worse news. Eventually they said she needed to have surgery on her finger so they prepped her finger for surgery for the following Monday (this happened on a Thursday). Just when we thought the worst was over, my mother needed a cast put on her entire arm because she ended up fracturing a bone in her wrist as well. The reason this article grabbed my attention was because my mother was in so much pain and discomfort with this cast. It was itchy, their was a ton of pressure, and it was heavy. I saw the article on this product roughly a week after the incident and all I could think about was "what if my mother had this instead". There have been so many medical advancements in recent years, but I have yet to see one that hit close to home. Now, returning back to the article, this cast is 3D printed meaning it is cheap and lightweight. It also is easy to apply and remove, no saws required. One of my mothers biggest fears is the doctor sawing it off. This eliminates the need of a "scary" saw that strikes fear into children and adults. I find it amazing that ever since 3D printing became popularized, the uses have been endless. From home building to medical use, 3D printings uses seem endless. I compare 3D printing to the invention of the digital printer, the next step up. When printing was easily accessible, books became abundant; posters, flyers, letters, so many things became the standard of society. It is almost like the discovery of electricity and the endless uses that cam from it. 3D printing is a modern marvel of this era and whenever I see articles such as this one, I cannot help affirm my belief.

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