Saturday, December 14, 2019

Greta Thunberg

The New Face of Change

Greta Thunberg should be an inspiration to all. She is one amazing human being. For someone who is so young to move the world to be better is incredible. No matter which side of the fence you may lay, you cannot dismiss her tenacity to call out the injustice of the world. We, as educators, should use Greta as an example of how young people can do great things. Although she may not be experienced or know everything about the world, she used her belief to guide her in a non violent approach to fight for change. The world needs to listen to individual like Greta and stop the fighting. I know I personally could have never did or started a movement like she did. I would have quit on the first or second day of her protest. I hear many argue that she is doing this for "publicity" and to "be famous", but I do not see a problem in that. She is trying to spread change and she wants to be the face of that. You cannot say anything bad about a person who would commit so much. If it is so easy then I would challenge anyone to start a movement they believe in the same way she did without violence. All I know is that I cannot wait to see what she does next.

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