Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why I love Science

Why I love Science
I knew from an early age that I loved science. I do not mean this as an empty statement, I really do love science. It has shaped me to be the person I am today. It is not just one aspect of science either, I do not say I love science solely because I love animals; I love physics, anatomy, psychology, etc... It all started at an early age of 4 when I was in Pre-K. I would catch "Daddy Long Leg" spiders in my backyard (because there were so many on my fence) and bring them into class in a giant pretzel container to feed to the class frogs. Now, as I am typing thins, I realize that this is probably why frogs are my favorite animals (along with stingrays that I will save for another story). As a child, I would only read nonfiction books. I preferred animals, but weather, anatomy, and geology still sparked my interest. I wasn't allowed to watch many cartoons as a kid, rather I was allowed to watch National Geographic and the Discovery Channel (back when they had more documentaries and last reality TV shows or violent studies in anthropology). I have never really reflected like this before and it does feel good to think back to why I love science. I would also chock up my love for science (mainly engineering) to the board game Mouse Trap and the many computer games and played as a kid. I remember one where I was tasked with creating a Rube Goldberg device in a Tome and Jerry mouse trap game on I have not thought about this until just now and it is amazing what is coming to my mind, it feels as though I am rambling, but I guess that is the point. This really does feel good and I am starting to see the whole point of these blogs to become better teachers. I cannot pinpoint one instance to why I love science, rather I believe I was molded by it and became who I am today all because of my parents and their intuition to expose me to science throughout my life until I was able to make choices of my own.

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