Saturday, December 14, 2019

Certificate of Achievement

A Recognition of Success

Here is the Certificate of Achievement that I made for the students who completed the after school science program. Although they may not mean much to us, they mean the world to our students. They will hopefully be saved by their family for future viewing. What I hope for is that, one day, they look at the certificate and be reminded of the fun they had and what they learned. What will be even better would be for them to reflect upon this program as an adult and remember the fun they had and even spark interest in a new subject or spark conversation. Sometimes inspiration comes from the smallest of places. I hope this course did that for these students. I wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors. This program was fun, interesting, and different. I learned a lot from these student, both how to teach in science and in general. This was also a great learning experience and practice of classroom management due to the age gap and behaviors of a few students. Overall, the program, I believe, was a success and I feel the students learned a lot. Hopefully they will carry this knowledge into the future and become great scientists (or teachers) themselves.

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