Saturday, December 14, 2019


My favorite Field of Science, Engineering

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Students love engineering, period. I have yet to see a student who does not like to build, design, or draw some sort of invention or project. I am 100% biased toward engineering, but I do not care. The reason why I love engineering is because it is so vast and there is so much to learn. When I think of modern civilization, I think of one field that made humanity advance Engineering. Although it took much more to advance humanity, engineering put everything together and advanced us at an exponential rate. I view engineering as the "builder" who puts the puzzle together. Each piece of that puzzle is a different field of science. You have physics and chemistry and you have batteries or chemistry and medical and you have medicine, but engineers put it all together. Engineers are the practical scientists that put science to work. When I become a full fledged teacher, I want to be able to promote engineering and show students that the field is so vast to choose from and can peak anyone's interest.

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