Sunday, December 8, 2019

Fieldwork: Group 1

Fieldwork - Group 1

Being the first is always the hardest, so I commend Group 1 for setting the bar and showing the other groups who these students were and how they act during lessons. I must say, for how difficult the students were, you did a great job. You must've been so nervous presenting, but you really lulled through. Given the circumstances, your lesson really showed how much effort you put into it. The students LOVED your project. Students never get to do science experiments where you taste things and that was really awesome. My favorite part was the "yellow drink" that every student thought was apple juice, but was really just water and food coloring. The look of disappointment, disgust, and laughter were unforgettable. US other groups did not really know what to expect, we built our lessons based off of yours. We are thankful for the learning opportunity. We knew to make sure we started on time, adjust work for low level students, and learned that we could separate students and do small group experiments. For what you were given, you really succeeded. I feel so sorry for all the work you planned out that you couldn't do. I know that must really hurt. Just know that you managed the little time you had well because the students learned and enjoyed your work. Plickers would've been a great method of checking for understanding if it wasn't due to technical issues. On paper, your lesson was great and in practice it was great too. The only issue was the time constraint that was placed. You had a perfectly timed lesson that was cut short. I saw this lesson as a learning opportunity for everyone in time management and "last minute" changes. Some activities that may be fast for older students can be slow paced for younger students. Although we may never have such a wide age gap in our future classrooms, this was still good practice. Although Group 1 hit some road bumps, I feel they still did a great job. Every lesson afterwards, I know, will add on to their lessons to go above and beyond. You deserve a special thanks and consideration for going first.

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