Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Scientific Method

3 things you discovered
1. That learning to programs/applications is easy and fun

2. That the Scientific Method is essential to keeping structure and order in science. I always thought of it as just a teaching tool, but it is really essential in understanding and sharing scientific discoveries.

3. That, when presented in a appropriate manner, teaching the scientific method can be fun. It does not have to be boring diagrams and notes, it can be taught through experimentation.
2 interesting facts or details
1. Biteable videos take only a few minutes to create and are a great alternative to PowerPoints.

2. That, even as adults, the scientific method can still be overlooked or forgotten. It is essential that we, as educators learn in in detail and convey it through our lessons.

1 question you still have
1. My one wonder is the Tardigrade. I have heard of it and have watched videos on the matter, but I want to know can (and how) can we harness the survivability of this animal for humanity.

I also took a BrainPOP quiz on the Scientific Method

and found myself questioning a few things. Although it was simple, it still had me thinking and realizing that, even when I have the knowledge, it can sometimes take a minute to retrieve it.

Overall, relearning the Scientific Method was tedious, but interesting  because learning how to teach something is harder than actually learning it.

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