Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Food Web and Rubric

Here is a small Food Web project I created.

Objective: Given a food web diagram, the student will present an animal's role in a food web following the rubric with at least a 9 out of 12.

Prompt:  Let's look at this example of a food web. We will focus on the mouse; where is it located on the food web? Is it a producer, primary consumer or a tertiary consumer? How do you know? How can we find out?

Task: Create a poster, powerpoint, or other presentation method to provide information on an animal of your choice and their role in the food web. Each presentation should include the name of the animal, the habitat of the animal, what it eats/what eats it, and at least one animal for each level of the food web with labels (decomposer, producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer).

P-LS1-1. Observe familiar plants and animals (including humans) and describe what they need to survive.
P-LS1-2. Plan and conduct an investigation to determine how familiar plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive in the environment. 

Student did not create a presentation
Presentation lacks images and information
Presentation has images, but  lacks the required information or it is not clearly presented
Presentation has images the information is presented clearly and uniformly
Categories are missing
Some categories are present but information is inaccurate
Most categories are present and most information is accurate
All categories are present and the information provided is accurate
Food Feb
Student did not create a Food Web Diagram
Food Web Diagram lacks animals/plants or information if presented inaccurately
Food Web diagram has most of the required animals/plants but some information may not be accurate
Food Web Diagram has the required amount of Animals/Plants and the information is accurate.
Creativity and Bonus Information
(Extra Credit)
Student presented information in a creative way
Student included more information than required
Student presented information in a creative way and included more information than required 


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